Nominate a Lights On Fellow

The Program

The Lights On Labs Fellowship connects, inspires, and builds the capacity of Fellows to lead powerful and transformational campaigns and organizations demanding a different technological future. Through a tailored leadership and campaign development program, Fellows access new insights, skills, and connections that accelerate their work to build a better future.

Becoming a Lights On Fellow is an opportunity and a commitment; by engaging in the program, Fellows become more strategic, capable, and impactful leaders.

Over the course of 12 months Fellow will:

  • Access learning opportunities virtually and in-person through coaching, mentorship, and knowledge sharing with their peers and industry experts

  • Gather at in-person retreats where they receive training, build community, and encounter top coaches. This is where new ideas are sparked and obstacles overcome

  • Get inspiration from one another. Our programming spurs Fellows to seed the partnerships needed to collectively move the entire ecosystem — not just single campaigns


To be eligible for a fellowship, a nominee must:

  • Be actively working on an existing campaign or within an organization aiming to demand accountability from those with the power to change the status quo when it comes to society-altering technology such as tech companies, investors, policy makers

  • Be eager to connect with and learn from others

  • Commit to participating in quarterly calls designed to foster collaboration and coordination across the tech advocacy landscape

Nomination Form

All candidates must be nominated by a colleague or collaborator. Please don’t nominate yourself. All fields are required.